Safety, Health & Environment (SHE)
The objectives of People Planet Profit will be delivered through our staff and supply chain by adopting and delivering current best practice methods and continually striving to improve our business and impact on the local communities in which we work.
Health & Wellbeing
We will ensure all our employees have a voice and provide them with a safe and healthy working environment both on site and in our office. Our focus is to prolong the length of time our staff can work for us and assist them with occupational health and advice and support to encourage a supportive environment in which to work or return to work after absence.
We will provide all our staff and employees with the Full PPE they need to carry out their work in a safe manner. Our team will support this with ongoing Tool box talks, up to date training and safety advice. Our focus is to reduce our Accident Frequency rate year on year.
We will deliver all the required training our staff and operatives need to enable them to work safely and carry out the tasks they are required to do. We will coach and develop our staff and review this via PDR appraisal. This process will identify any areas for training, development and future succession planning.
Quality Statement
CAP Ceilings & Partitions Ltd is a well-established interior specialist sub-contractor company seeking to provide all customers with a satisfactory product and service, and strives to exceed customer expectations.
The CAP Ceilings & Partitions Ltd management system applies to the supply and installation of SFS Systems, partitions, dry lining, suspended ceilings, plastering, and acoustic solutions in the commercial sector predominantly throughout the southwest of England managed from our base in Exeter, Devon.
All clause requirements are applicable to the above scope, except 8.3 (Design and development of products and services). The Company does not design its own products and services and this clause is therefore not applicable to the Quality Management System.
The company is committed to:
- Establishing, implementing and maintaining a quality management system to meet or exceed the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2015
- Meeting or exceeding all legal and other requirements applicable to its operations and systems, including customer requirements
- Communicating the requirements of the system throughout the business and ensuring relevant competence and training is provided where required
- Regular monitoring of the quality management system to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the organisation and its customers
- Listening to customers to ensure that their needs are fully understood and taken into account in all relevant business processes
- Regularly monitoring and measuring its performance in key areas in order to identify opportunities to improve
- Setting strategic, tracked quality objectives based on results of monitoring, to facilitate continuous improvement in the system and its processes
- Identifying non-conformances from a variety of sources within the system and ensuring these are assessed to identify root causes
- Allocating appropriate corrective action in order to address identified nonconformities and prevent recurrence
- Strategically and operationally reviewing performance at regular intervals

CAP Ceilings & Partitions Ltd remains committed to delivering its sustainability strategy whereby we work responsibly, sustainably and in an ethical manner within our geographical area. CAP will continue to play a positive role within the communities in which we work and live.
We will continue to review our waste management practices as a considerate contractor, it is extremely important that we focus on reducing waste where possible by reviewing individual design, material choice and project specific details. Our target is to recycle our material waste in collaborations with our clients and supply chain, and reduce the amount of waste going to landfill.
Carbon Footprint
We will continue to review our carbon footprint by considering how we use company vehicles; where we purchase materials from and whether our staff can car share, work from home at times and use public transport. We encourage energy savings within our office environment and switch off unused lights and power sources whenever possible.
We will work in partnership with our main contractor clients to reduce the use of water on sites. We are constantly working with our supply chain looking at new innovations and products to minimise water usage. Our spray plaster solution uses minimal amounts of water and comes ready mixed in recyclable plastic bags.
We are all in business to make a profit and this should not be seen as a dirty word! By adopting a sustainable approach we can deliver long-term stability and benefits to our staff, operatives and the communities in which we live and work, whilst maintaining the drive to deliver an environmentally sustainable business within the construction sector.
We will continue to push the boundaries with our manufacturers to look at material and product development to make our offering as innovative as possible. Our philosophy is to be at the leading edge of the interiors business and offer new processes; materials and techniques to our clients. Through collaboration and innovation we will enable a sustainable, profitable business for years to come.
Sustainable Procurement
We will continue to use our sustainable procurement suppliers and supply chain and work with them to encourage the use of low impact, low energy products. Where possible these will be sourced and procured locally and from renewable sources. Our focus is to maintain our strong relationship with suppliers and customers so we can add value at the earliest opportunity and encourage consideration of materials, waste, carbon footprint and sustainability at all stages of design and procurement.